Things That I Collect!


Have you ever noticed that once you tell people that you like a certain thing, you suddenly have a large collection without even trying? I’m not sure if I only mentioned to one person that I liked elephants or if it was several people, but suddenly it was the stuffed animal of choice for birthdays and Christmas.

You can’t keep everything, but even so I’ve managed to hang onto several of my favorite elephants (mostly stuffed–and only by hiding them out of the Princess’s reach!) and I thought I would introduce them!

They are from left to right: Esther, Edwina, Ellie, and Eliza. And of course Dumbo from when I visited Disney when I was 5. There were more elephants at one time, but I think they wandered off to explore the wide, wide world. There also used to be a mouse to keep them all in line, but I think the Princess got that one!

Also pictured below are two of my favorite figurine elephants given to me by my sister and mother/father. My sister gave me the ceramic one unpainted because she knew how much I liked to paint things. You will notice her toes aren’t painted red, but a respectable pink so she isn’t able to hide in any cherry trees. The other elephant traveled all the way from Kenya to be in my collection. I really like the picture on the side of it.


So that’s it–my elephant collection. And no, I’m not still adding to my collection although I do still enjoy seeing elephants. What interesting collections have you hung onto through the years?

5 responses »

    • I love coloring. It is very relaxing.

      The Princess is like a black hole. She plays with things very hard and then they disappear….and even though there is hardly any clutter in my house and I keep throwing stuff out sometimes I never see the stuff again.

      Aw. Well it was a nice thought!


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