The Man In The Gruewe Suit


I first saw him in my preteens/early teens during the Christmas season. I was minding my own business dreaming of sugar plum faeries and Christmas surprises when I caught a glimpse out of the corner of my eye. The sight was so astonishing that I immediately ran down the hall (quite out of character for me!) and slammed the door to my room. My sister (we shared a room) not unreasonably asked what was wrong and that was the first description I was ever able to give of the man in the gruewe suit.

He’s not a full sized man (that would be creepy!) but maybe the size of Peter Pan. What color is gruewe? Well, that is not a color you will find in your Crayola crayon box! First his suit looks dark blue, but when you blink it turns purple. That makes you look again and this time it looks bright magenta! That doesn’t seem quite the thing so you look again and it’s a pearly gray. You nod in satisfaction because that finally seems somewhat normal, but then it changes color again. It’s not really a rainbow color and it’s also not any one color. You would have to see it to understand completely I’m afraid.

A common expression after the bottle of excitement is sprinkled around!

A common expression after the bottle of excitement is sprinkled around!

The Man In The Gruewe suit carries around a bottle of excitement that he likes to sprinkle around liberally. Excitement affects everyone differently, but a little seems to go a long way for everyone. Squeals of delight are often heard right after he has opened his bottle of excitement! He can be seen most of the time around Christmas because he loves it when people make surprises for others and get excited about it, but sometimes he can be found around birthdays.

He does not like sickness of any type (nothing exciting in that and besides he can’t bear being sick!) nor does he care for people who are too down to earth to enjoy themselves and are always worrying about the electric bill and such things.

It’s been a few years since I’ve seen the Man In The Gruewe Suit but I think I caught a glimpse the other day. Have you ever seen the Man in the Gruewe Suit or anyone like him?

Merry Christmas Everyone! Hope you have a wonderful holiday and some splendid family time.

About Bethy

I'm a wife and mother who loves cooking and organizing and crafts! I blog about my various food intolerances and how I am always learning new ways to feed my family in spite of them! I am also a Lemongrass Spa consultant! Please contact me if you want more information about an awesome company! Thanks for reading my story!

16 responses »

    • Thanks Shirley! I am glad you enjoyed getting to “know” the man in the gruewe suit. πŸ™‚ He is of my own creation so I am not surprised you hadn’t heard of him before. One of the many crazy stories told at my house growing up! Happy New Year!


  1. He is a guest here too around Christmastime. I am pretty sure I saw him yesterday and the day before. I think Cathy’s grandpa wishes that he (the man in the Gruewe Suit had not made my Princess and Little Man so excited though. πŸ™‚ I hope you had a very Merry Christmas!


    • I had a wonderful Christmas and I hope yours was splendid also in spite of the high level of excitement! Last year was almost unbearable with the Pricess here but with her being older and off gluten we had much more even excitement this year.


      • Yes, and Grandpa eventually adjusted to the Princess and Little Man’s level of excitement and told me to stop fretting about it. πŸ™‚ We had a wonderful Christmas also. I hope you have a lovely restful Sunday.


  2. Pingback: The 12 Days of Christmas Vacation | The Girl Who Couldn't Eat Anything

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